Methods used for Hypermobility
Building a bespoke programme just for your body, we will work through a variety of Pilates positions, using both the large and small equipment from a range of established Pilates methods for hypermobilty. This allows your body movement strategies to be checked to see if you are using your joints rather than your muscles to move.
The methods of pilates I use to access and support hypermobility include the Integral Movement Method (IMM) of Pilates which are Pilates exercises designed by The Ehlers-Danlos Society (EDS) for the 13 categories of hypermobility (Ehlers-Danlos being the highest form).
I also combine the endorsed IMM strategies with foot based methods, such as Anatomy in Motion which uses Gary Ward's Flow Motion Model to determine the movements you are missing or struggling with, and Blackboard which focuses on foot shapes and helps reinforce correct body movement from the joints in your feet right up to your head.
Combining these corrective movement methods can help to re-educate your body and ultimately take the pressure off the joints and areas that are causing you discomfort.
How can Pilates and other movement therapies help if you are hypermobile?
If you have been diagnosed with hypermobilty, it means that some or all of your joints are very flexible, you may experience no symptoms at all, however others may suffer from joint pain, ligament injuries, fatigue, bowel and gut issues and more.
Pilates and the other methodologies can provide you with helpful strategies to relieve and manage these symptoms.
How Pilates re-educates your body if you are hypermobile
The main method used to build a bespoke programme is to improve your body awareness and get the muscles rather than the joints of the body working.
How you move is the key, so technique needs to be addressed throughout the body. Teaching you how to move without knee and elbow locking, plus reducing rib flaring is the basis so that the core functional muscles are firing without putting pressure on your joints. Re-educating your body to move correctly is your goal!
Session Options
Please book a consultation before booking a package.
75 British pounds